Shure/DIS JB-6104 Junction Box

E-CODE: Q64Z5-

Product Details

The JB 6104 serves as a splitter of the DCS-LAN with four tap-out connections.
The unit splits the DCS-LAN into four, single cable connections. Each connection
remains unaffected by the other connections. Connecting/disconnecting units or
having malfunctioning units on the tap-outs does not affect the remaining system.
This provides extra security and flexibility to the overal system.
The JB 6104 supports one conference/discussion unit or one interpreter unit per
tap-out. Optionally, four channel selectors can be connected in loop-through per
tap-out. The maximum cable length on each tap-out is 10m.
The JB 6104 can be used with any conference unit, interpreter set or channel selector
in the DCS 6000 Digital Conference System and can also be used with the
DDS 5900 Digital Discussion System.

Product Details

The JB 6104 serves as a splitter of the DCS-LAN with four tap-out connections.
The unit splits the DCS-LAN into four, single cable connections. Each connection
remains unaffected by the other connections. Connecting/disconnecting units or
having malfunctioning units on the tap-outs does not affect the remaining system.
This provides extra security and flexibility to the overal system.
The JB 6104 supports one conference/discussion unit or one interpreter unit per
tap-out. Optionally, four channel selectors can be connected in loop-through per
tap-out. The maximum cable length on each tap-out is 10m.
The JB 6104 can be used with any conference unit, interpreter set or channel selector
in the DCS 6000 Digital Conference System and can also be used with the
DDS 5900 Digital Discussion System.