RTS IFB-325 Beltpack

E-CODE: P7113-

Product Details

This listen-only single channel IFB earset station provides a mono (either interrupt or non/interrupt selected at 4010) audio signal to the user. It can be used on a standard RTS® Two-Wire Intercom line as a listen-only station. Features volume control in an extruded aluminum case. The IFB-325 can also be used with the MCE-325 as a basic IFB system.

Product Details

This listen-only single channel IFB earset station provides a mono (either interrupt or non/interrupt selected at 4010) audio signal to the user. It can be used on a standard RTS® Two-Wire Intercom line as a listen-only station. Features volume control in an extruded aluminum case. The IFB-325 can also be used with the MCE-325 as a basic IFB system.