Lectrosonic LMA Transmitter

E-CODE: R63D4-

Product Details

This transmitter brings Digital Hybrid Wireless™  technology to a moderate cost level while preserving superb performance and maximum flexibility.

It offers multi-mode compatibility with several different hybrid and analog receivers. Although best performance is achieved when the transmitter is used with a hybrid receiver, the DSP also provides emulation of an analog compandor so the unit can be switched for use with 100 and 200 Series Lectrosonics receivers.

Product Details

This transmitter brings Digital Hybrid Wireless™  technology to a moderate cost level while preserving superb performance and maximum flexibility.

It offers multi-mode compatibility with several different hybrid and analog receivers. Although best performance is achieved when the transmitter is used with a hybrid receiver, the DSP also provides emulation of an analog compandor so the unit can be switched for use with 100 and 200 Series Lectrosonics receivers.